Topics Covered in “IJAHMR”
The topics suggested by the IJAHMR can be discussed in terms of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions.
International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR) is the place for exchange of information and research results within the following scope:
Health / Medicine
- All fields of public health-related clinical sciences
- Behavior and Behavioral Changes
- Clinical Medicine and Surgery
- Clinical Psychology
- Community based patient management
- Community Health
- Community medicine
- Criminology
- Disease Prevention
- Environmental Health
- Epidemiology and biostatistics
- Ergonomics
- Ethic and Health
- Family health
- Family medicine
- Food Safety
- Global Health and Development
- Health and Social Behavior
- Health care management
- Health Economics
- Health economics and financing
- Health Education
- Health Education and Promotion
- Health Management
- Health Policy
- Health policy and planning
- Health promotion
- Health Services Research
- History of Medicine
- Hospital Management
- Hygiene
- Industrial Hygiene
- Infectious Diseases Control
- Injury and Violence
- Law and Health
- Law Medicine
- Maternity and Child Care
- Medical Anthropology
- Medical Geography (disease ecology, health care delivery, environment and health)
- Mountain Medicine
- Nursing and Health Services
- Nutrition
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Occupational Health Psychology
- Philosophy and Health
- Physical Activity
- Population study
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychotherapy
- Public Health and Policy
- Road traffic accident
- Scholastic Medicine
- Social Psychology
- Sociology of Health
- Others